How to trade $DUMP
How to buy and sell $DUMP tokens on
Last updated
How to buy and sell $DUMP tokens on
Last updated
First, click on "connect wallet".
Then choose the wallet of your choice. If you use Metamask, Rabby or another chrome extension wallet, click on the first option, otherwise select another option of your choice.
Click on the ticker automatically selected.
Here you have two options. You can either click directly on "Manage Token Lists" and add Coingecko, then directly search for "DUMP" in the search bar.
Alternatively, you can directly enter the contract address of the $DUMP token: 0xDF8ef8FeF6fA5489d097652DEDfB6617Ce28A0d6 And search for the "DUMP" ticker in the search bar.
Finally, choose the good amount of ETH to swap against $DUMP token and click on "Confirm Trade".